Rehab Loan Program
Jumpstart Clearwater helps prepare aspiring developers for future funding from traditional banking and CDC institutions.
Housing rehabilitation loan and grant programs provide funding to repair, improve, or modernize dwellings, and remove health or safety hazards from those dwellings. We provide sources of short term financing that guides you along the way, and moves quickly, to help you succeed in a competitive real estate market. We are excited to work with the community to reduce blight, build wealth locally, encourage a healthy mix of affordable and market-rate housing, and encourage first-time investors to become more attractive to traditional lenders. Click here to learn how the Live local Act can help your affordable housing developments.
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One must be a graduate of the Jumpstart training program.
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We have structured a unique opportunity to help investors be successful in this process. The lending options offered help novice investors get a great start on their project..
Graduate and get paired with a mentor for your first project
Get access to financing post graduation from the program.