Get Involved!


The success of the Jumpstart Clearwater Program is dependent on seasoned real estate professionals volunteering their time and providing their experience and insights to emerging developers who complete the Jumpstart  training program. We are seeking Residential and/or commercial real estate developers who have developed at least 10 properties. 

Graduates are eligible to complete an application for mentor pairing, and are not guaranteed a mentor. Applications will be reviewed and if the requirements are met, the graduate will be approved for pairing. The mentor’s role is to provide guidance and information. Mentors are not your real estate agents, contractors, or financial planners.


Building Relationships

Opportunity to help investors be successful in this process

Providing Direction

High personal moral and ethical standards.

Economic Outcomes

Share and support Jumpstart Clearwater's mission

Make a difference

If this sounds exciting to you and you want to be a part of effecting positive change within our neighborhoods, contact us and we will share next steps.

We look forward to partnering!

Together we effect CHANGE!

We are looking for “socially conscious” developers who care about community and economic development issues such as tackling blight, slowing gentrification, keeping resources and capital in the neighborhood, and engaging community residents in decisions that impact their neighborhood.